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Preparing Your Business For Increasing Cyber Threats

The world is changing, and so are the threats to your business. Cyber security is critical if you want to protect your data and prevent yourself from being a victim of cyber crimes. In today’s business world, it is important that the entire organization takes an active role in implementing best practices for cyber security along with physical security with the help of guns for sale. In this article, we’ve outlined some key steps you should take if you want to protect your business from increasing cyber threats:

Keep your payroll provider in your network

A third-party payroll provider is a good option for many businesses. However, if you choose this route, make sure your payroll provider is physically located on your network and not in the cloud.

Cloud-based solutions are cheaper than installing hardware locally but can be more vulnerable to attacks when connected to the internet. Even if you’re not at risk of being targeted by an outside hacker, there could still be security risks inherent in using a cloud-based solution. For example, your sensitive data may be stored on multiple servers that are accessible from anywhere with an Internet connection – it’s all too easy for someone who gains access to one server (or even several) to find their way into others. This could mean compromising even more valuable information than just payroll data.

Make a Threat Assessment Plan

A threat assessment plan is a document that outlines the security risks your business faces and how to mitigate those risks. It should be updated regularly, and every employee should have access to it. The exact format of this plan varies depending on your company’s needs, but it will generally include a list of all the assets your business owns (equipment, data, etc.), as well as some sort of risk assessment.

This information can help you prioritize what kind of attacks you may be vulnerable to and how likely they will happen in the future. It also allows you to make sure everyone knows what they’re doing in case there is an attack or breach on one or more parts of your network.

Use Strong Passwords

While it may seem like a lot of work, the easiest way to create strong passwords and not have to remember them is to use a password manager. These apps will generate unique passwords for each website you visit and store them in an encrypted database. They can also generate random passwords if you don’t want to create your own.

Another good practice is to make sure that your password isn’t based on personal information or something easily guessable (like the name of your favorite sports team). And don’t forget: You should never share any login details with anyone.

Use Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication is the best way to protect your accounts from unauthorized access. It requires you to log in with both your password and a code sent to your phone. So, even if someone guesses or steals your password, they can’t log in without the correct authentication code.

You can set up two-factor authentication on most major platforms and services, such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter, by following the instructions on their official sites.

It’s best practice for any business owner or manager who uses online services to use two-factor authentication for maximum protection of their personal information.

Restrict Access to Network Drives and Data

When it comes to keeping your business data safe, one of the best ways you can do this is by limiting access to network drives and data. Make sure that no one except those who need it has access to these.

Make sure that you have strong passwords for all accounts associated with your business, especially the ones related to financial transactions or sensitive information storage. This would include passwords for bank accounts, social media sites like Facebook and LinkedIn, and e-mail accounts.

It’s also important to restrict access to the network drives and data by setting up a firewall on your computer servers so that only authorized users can access them with proper authorization codes generated through an identity management system.

Use Encryption on all Systems where you Store Data

The most important thing you can do is encrypt all systems where you store data.

Encryption is a way to protect your data from being read by others. Encryption is a process of converting information into another form, called ciphertext, that is difficult to decipher without the correct decryption key. This process usually involves using some sort of mathematical algorithm and one or more keys that change as quickly as possible for extra security. With encryption, people who want to access your data cannot unlock it without these special keys. Hence, even if they could somehow get their hands on them, they wouldn’t be able to decrypt what’s in front of them unless they knew how you unlocked them first.

Automate Backups of your Data

It’s important to back up your data regularly so that you have a recovery plan in place if something goes wrong. We recommend having two copies of all your data: one on-site and one remotely stored off-site.

The key is ensuring this process is automated so you don’t forget about it. You should also test these backups regularly by restoring them to another location, just in case the worst does happen and you need to restore them quickly and easily. This will give you peace of mind knowing that if anything happens, there are no excuses not to be able to recover from it as quickly as possible.


The bottom line is that if you want to protect your business from cyber threats, you need to take steps now. You also need to make sure that everyone who works for your company knows what they can do to help protect it as well. We hope this article has given you some good ideas on how best to ensure that your business remains safe online.

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